Safety Decisions and Credibility on Foursquare

Foursquare is still my primary check-in tool when I’m moving around – despite Facebook Places. But I’d like to share with you how Foursquare influenced my safety decisions and how social media have had affected credibility during my last car service visit. Foursquare tips protected me I already had plugged in my laptop, connected my … Read more

Measure Website Return on Investment (ROI)

While tuned into BFM’s Open for Business, one of the Pink Sage restaurant’s partner asked about the ROI for their website. The answers were lead only towards the website traffic and nobody corrected the question. Seated on my couch, I was thinking, shouldn’t they have explained the ROI for the website depends on what you’re … Read more

Can You Really Outsource Management of Social Media Marketing?

Social media has fast become the big boy in Internet marketing. From what started as personal journals (blogs), to friend networks (friendster), and other social platforms is now deemed as; social media marketing – leveraging close relationships to communicate your brand and product benefits to others. In simpler words, word-of-mouth marketing – the electronic way. … Read more

Social Media Marketing: Ikea Case Study

Social media marketing is a very powerful marketing tool many corporations are thinking of ways to take advantage. Most of which are using video platform like YouTube as their social media marketing platform. Here’s a great case study from Ikea. It didn’t really use YouTube but Facebook for its social media marketing efforts. Take about … Read more

Is the Website Losing to Facebook Pages?

I was pondering on this question awhile back. So much so, I wanted to ask a few Malaysian social media enthusiasts and drivers about their viewpoints. Even today whilst having lunch with a client-turn-friend, she was sharing with me how powerful Facebook in general had become in generating business. From building websites to SEO and … Read more

Apple Redesigns Movie Trailer Landing Pages

It’s been awhile since I visited the movie trailers on the Apple website. And I was met with awe, noticing how each movie now may have a customized landing page based on the similar template. The new original With some fine-tuning. Apple has removed their own logo and menu bar in movie landing pages from … Read more

The Social Media Club Kuala Lumpur (SMCKL) Experience

The Social Media Club (Kuala Lumpur edition) has been going strong ever since it started. It’s a meetup for social media buffs and anyone else who’d like to network and learn more about social media. It’s impacts, growth, lessons and experience from involving social media in their personal life and corporation. I missed the first … Read more

Learn Social Media Marketing from a Malaysian

Yeah yeah, it’s a very cheesy title. But good part about this is, it’s 200% true and he’s living in Malaysia unlike some of the other people. :P So yes, David’s a Malaysian whom I’ve worked closely with in website design projects. He’s now a social media consultant delivering social media marketing presentations and services. … Read more