Measure Website Return on Investment (ROI)

While tuned into BFM’s Open for Business, one of the Pink Sage restaurant’s partner asked about the ROI for their website. The answers were lead only towards the website traffic and nobody corrected the question. Seated on my couch, I was thinking, shouldn’t they have explained the ROI for the website depends on what you’re … Read more

Can You Really Outsource Management of Social Media Marketing?

Social media has fast become the big boy in Internet marketing. From what started as personal journals (blogs), to friend networks (friendster), and other social platforms is now deemed as; social media marketing – leveraging close relationships to communicate your brand and product benefits to others. In simpler words, word-of-mouth marketing – the electronic way. … Read more

Where do blogs fit into your web strategy?

The web has grown up very quickly. From using blogs as a marketing communication tool, SEO to boost awareness to now, social media as your reach to the masses. But among all this talk now, I wonder where  and how does the blog fit into your online strategy? Let’s have a look at some popular … Read more

The Malaysia Personal Data Protection Bill

In TheStar’s pullout of InTech today, there was an article about the personal data protection bill. It’s about the protection of our personal information requested by companies, religious bodies, political parties and charitable organisations that engage in business. In short, commercially driven businesses. What is considered personal data information? Name Age Home address Photo & … Read more

Social Media Marketing: Ikea Case Study

Social media marketing is a very powerful marketing tool many corporations are thinking of ways to take advantage. Most of which are using video platform like YouTube as their social media marketing platform. Here’s a great case study from Ikea. It didn’t really use YouTube but Facebook for its social media marketing efforts. Take about … Read more

How to Ask for a Complete LinkedIn Recommendation?

LinkedIn is a professional social network for business people. I’ve heard some successful stories from friends who’ve used LinkedIn to get connected to the person in charge. Some of which have turned into successful dealings. Hence, LinkedIn is a business-oriented social network to be precise. And recently, a client of Simpleet joined LinkedIn. They provide … Read more

Ideas for Malaysia Advertisers to Reach Starbucks Customers

Right now, I’m sitting and chilling (literally) at a Starbucks outlet. Brrr. Anyway, if you’ve used the free Internet here before you’d know there’s a compulsory landing page you bypass when you access the Internet. The landing page screens an advertisement from a sponsor to keep the WiFi free – yeay. :) On this screen, … Read more

Is the Website Losing to Facebook Pages?

I was pondering on this question awhile back. So much so, I wanted to ask a few Malaysian social media enthusiasts and drivers about their viewpoints. Even today whilst having lunch with a client-turn-friend, she was sharing with me how powerful Facebook in general had become in generating business. From building websites to SEO and … Read more