Safety Decisions and Credibility on Foursquare

Foursquare is still my primary check-in tool when I’m moving around – despite Facebook Places. But I’d like to share with you how Foursquare influenced my safety decisions and how social media have had affected credibility during my last car service visit. Foursquare tips protected me I already had plugged in my laptop, connected my … Read more

Measure Website Return on Investment (ROI)

While tuned into BFM’s Open for Business, one of the Pink Sage restaurant’s partner asked about the ROI for their website. The answers were lead only towards the website traffic and nobody corrected the question. Seated on my couch, I was thinking, shouldn’t they have explained the ROI for the website depends on what you’re … Read more

Where do blogs fit into your web strategy?

The web has grown up very quickly. From using blogs as a marketing communication tool, SEO to boost awareness to now, social media as your reach to the masses. But among all this talk now, I wonder where  and how does the blog fit into your online strategy? Let’s have a look at some popular … Read more