Website Review: Churp Churp Redesign

Before I start talking about the new ChurpChurp website, here’s a trick question to the Churpers or even, Nuffies working in ChurpChurp office. How many times have the ChurpChurp website been redesigned? 5? 10? 1? 3? Well, jump into the time machine thanks to and let me show you some of ChurpChurp’s older website … Read more

New Facebook Privacy Settings

Facebook just released an update to its privacy settings. Making it simpler for Facebook users to control the limitation of their privacy. Let’s dive straight in with the Facebook privacy tour if you’ve not recently logged into your Facebook account. Tagging People in Status Updates for Dummies I suppose not everyone realized you can either … Read more

Malaysia Inland Revenue Board (IRB) Audits Bloggers

My, oh, my. Imagine answering the door with 2 men wearing round shaped glasses, suited up, carrying briefcases, waltzing into your home. Or, a bright table lamp shone upon you while you only hear questions, within a dark room. Okay, maybe the IRB don’t do those things. But they sure will fish your file out, … Read more

Beware of DiGi Automated Facebook Status Subscription Service

When I logged into Facebook today, they informed I had to tighten my personal security. That’s fine. However, when it came to setting up authentication via mobile, be wary of the automated telco service subscription. Facebook does not charge Mobile verification is becoming common today. And initial thought was, texting to Facebook wouldn’t give me … Read more

Stop Facebook Picture Tagging Spam

Have you been a victim of Facebook’s tag spam? You know you have when a friend tagged you in a picture which has nothing to do with your physical presence, at all. For example; you receive a notification you’ve been tagged in a photo and when you review the photo, you see this. Are you … Read more

Measure Website Return on Investment (ROI)

While tuned into BFM’s Open for Business, one of the Pink Sage restaurant’s partner asked about the ROI for their website. The answers were lead only towards the website traffic and nobody corrected the question. Seated on my couch, I was thinking, shouldn’t they have explained the ROI for the website depends on what you’re … Read more

Where do blogs fit into your web strategy?

The web has grown up very quickly. From using blogs as a marketing communication tool, SEO to boost awareness to now, social media as your reach to the masses. But among all this talk now, I wonder where  and how does the blog fit into your online strategy? Let’s have a look at some popular … Read more

What is Inside? Wimax is Inside

Doh. In particularly, the Intel Centrino Advanced-N with Wimax 6250. And I’ll say this again, damn I had to miss this event.  Anyway, I still love you – Intel, P1, Wimax, BNI and, work. *shiver* 6 computer manufacturers offer Wimax notebooks or netbooks With the unveiling of the new notebook laptops and netbooks, from 6 … Read more