Malaysia Inland Revenue Board (IRB) Audits Bloggers

My, oh, my. Imagine answering the door with 2 men wearing round shaped glasses, suited up, carrying briefcases, waltzing into your home. Or, a bright table lamp shone upon you while you only hear questions, within a dark room. Okay, maybe the IRB don’t do those things. But they sure will fish your file out, … Read more

RSS Numbers Schnumbers

When Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds first came, everyone pushed for subscribers like how the Internet providers and mobile providers here push during PC Fair. Everyone did their best to draw attention to the RSS subscription. Many did (and still do) promote it via: Large RSS icons or buttons. Post headers or footers. During this … Read more

Intel Partners and Bloggers Watch Aliens vs Monsters Movie in 3D

I was invited by Melody who called me for the Intel-Tumpang Core i7 launch event to come and watch Monsters versus Aliens. Besides it being an animated film (love ’em), Intel gave us a bigger treat. It was in 3D! And, there was grub – before the movie! Free food and free movie, win-win! :D Here’s … Read more

The Best Marketing Tip I Ever Learnt

Before me and my partner founded Simpleet, we were freelance for a good number of years. Like any new company in the website industry, the first concern is how do you get yourself known. When you are a freelancer, you’ll keep telling yourself you don’t know any bosses or managers. Well, here’s the the best damn marketing tip I ever learnt; business cards.

Everyone who asked me how I started or how I got clients, I’d tell them it was thanks to my business cards. The best damn advice which came with the best damn marketing tip was:

Give out your business cards like confetti…

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