Previously I was tasked to help a client seek 50 bloggers for advertorial. Thank you to bloggers who applied and I’m sorry to bloggers who haven’t been selected. I’m not sure if this is unfortunate or good luck because they’d like me to find more bloggers to write advertorial for them.
In the last round, the requirements I advised the client were very lenient therefore this round I’m going to be less lenient. It’s not because I want to be the bad guy here but I’d like to ensure most of the bloggers applying will fit the clients requirements. Better fit means better chances of the client selecting you for advertorial.
So here are the new blogger requirements:
- Must own a blog. (not necessarily with personal domain)
- Written in either English, BM or Chinese.
- Minimum 3 MONTHS blogging.
- Minimum 1000 UNIQUE VISITORs per month.
- Must have a site analytics tool like Google Analytics, Sitemeter or others.
If you meet the requirements, please email (etsuko.lyn at with the following subject line; Blogger Enrollment.
Including the following information:
Real Name:
Blog URL: http://
Blog Genre:
Attach: Screenshot of the last 30 days absolute unique visitor numbers.
Application closes on July 18, 2008.
Though you may fit the requirements, there is no guarantee you will be selected because client will do final selection of blogs they feel most confident in awarding the advertorial too. And I apologize in advance if your blog wasn’t selected.
Golly, just chanced on yr blog. Missed this chance. Would have been fun! :)
Technically, I should erase the expiry date as I’d like to collect qualified bloggers for future campaigns. Then it’ll be easier for the client to vet through the list themselves.
Hey, I’m interested.. is it still on ?
Technically, nope. But you can look out for more when I do post them. :)