Provide Information Customers Want

Like you, customers have their own objectives when they visit your website. It could be to find a product, find a service, learn about you or even, to only get your contact details. But, what if you had too much trouble finding the information or understanding it? Will you refer your colleagues or friends this … Read more

Stop Doing The Website Designer’s Job

The “wow” factor in a website is not the design. It’s the planning, ideas, approach and execution. Good design is about clear visual communication. Brilliant design is what helps your customers achieve their goals. But excellent design is; branding, visual communication and goal-oriented. That’s the website design you must have and that’s the website designer … Read more

Be the man, or woman with the plan!

Stop saying or thinking, “I’m building a website because my competitor…” Yes! Stop thinking you’re SECOND best! Start to determine your own set of measureable goals and objectives. For example, I want to increase my website sales leads for Product A within 6 months. Become the man or woman with the plan! Think about ONE … Read more

The Best Marketing Tip I Ever Learnt

Before me and my partner founded Simpleet, we were freelance for a good number of years. Like any new company in the website industry, the first concern is how do you get yourself known. When you are a freelancer, you’ll keep telling yourself you don’t know any bosses or managers. Well, here’s the the best damn marketing tip I ever learnt; business cards.

Everyone who asked me how I started or how I got clients, I’d tell them it was thanks to my business cards. The best damn advice which came with the best damn marketing tip was:

Give out your business cards like confetti…

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