Apple Redesigns Movie Trailer Landing Pages

It’s been awhile since I visited the movie trailers on the Apple website. And I was met with awe, noticing how each movie now may have a customized landing page based on the similar template. The new original With some fine-tuning. Apple has removed their own logo and menu bar in movie landing pages from … Read more

How to Modify Your Domain Name at Domain Registry Malaysia

Back in January, Domain Registry Malaysia (formerly MYNIC) decided to introduce a new system for domain name owners to have better management of their domain name. The new system was integrated but there’s a major problem now. They’ve changed the only known way by domain name owners to update their domain name information. I know … Read more

My Breadcrumb Navigation Design Principles

Hansel and Gretel escaped the forest by retracing their steps from the breadcrumbs laid by Hansel. Though Wikipedia’s version tells Hansel left a trail of pebbles. Anyway, the trail is identified as the breadcrumb navigation in website design. In a website with a deep menu structure, you’ll find a navigation which looks similar to this: … Read more

How to Lead The Eye in Website Design

In website design now, I always say it’s not only aesthetics but how website designers should communicate their design to the objective(s) of the website or webpage. Recently, Firebug had a website redesign. From that, I’m taking away and sharing with you my observation; how a subtle design led my eye. Sunken Arrows Besides the … Read more

Stop Doing The Website Designer’s Job

The “wow” factor in a website is not the design. It’s the planning, ideas, approach and execution. Good design is about clear visual communication. Brilliant design is what helps your customers achieve their goals. But excellent design is; branding, visual communication and goal-oriented. That’s the website design you must have and that’s the website designer … Read more

Be the man, or woman with the plan!

Stop saying or thinking, “I’m building a website because my competitor…” Yes! Stop thinking you’re SECOND best! Start to determine your own set of measureable goals and objectives. For example, I want to increase my website sales leads for Product A within 6 months. Become the man or woman with the plan! Think about ONE … Read more

Not All Malaysia Website Design Companies Are Honest

Email spam is a continuous problem in Malaysia because we have no guidelines (yet), therefore no penalties towards these companies. Nonetheless, here’s a spam email of another Malaysia website design company who was promoting their Content Management System (CMS) solution. If you don’t know what’s a Content Management System (CMS), here it is in short: … Read more

Inspired Judgemental IE6 Splash Page

If you practice website standards either as a website designer or website developer, you’d know the countless frustration working with Internet Explorer 6 (IE6). But here comes something you can put all your anger into and let out expressively – especially, if you write a blog. The judgemental IE6 splash page was inspired by Joe … Read more

The US Whitehouse Website Trumps All Our Government Websites

Pictures speak a thousand words. In this case, one website screenshot of the official US whitehouse website trumps not only all our government websites but I’d literally say, put all of them to shame and embarassment. Why is it so difficult to understand and educate Malaysia politicians we need government websites which are more user-friendly … Read more