15Malaysia The Tree Video Is Not Religion

The most recent release of the 15Malaysia video is called; The Tree. It’s by Malaysia’s most influential spiritual leader; Nik Aziz. Personally, I don’t follow any religion except accepting the fact God does exist. So honestly, from the papers I had always thought there were religious politicians who wanted to force their practice on us. … Read more

P1 Wimax Increases Fair Usage Policy Limitations

It looks to me P1 is stepping up their game even more this 2009. Other than speaking to their users offline and communicating online through Low Yat forums, they’ve updated their wimax packages with higher fair usage threshholds. Their previous visual didn’t include the fair usage threshold but now more is put upfront. Plus, it … Read more

P1 Wimax Leaves The Decision To Malaysia Subscribers

p1-packetone-networksThe Malaysia wimax provider; PacketOne Networks (P1), has taken a step further to acknowledge the existence and importance of its subscribers in Malaysia. Besides organizing floor discussions with its current free subscribers from Low Yat, they’re now asking us, the Malaysia Internet subscribers (consumers, if you may), to tell them the next location of their Wimax rollout.

p1 wimax vote website

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P1 Website Upgrade Due to Customer Feedback

Remember how I was saying PacketOne (P1) wants to listen to customer feedback about their Wimax service in Malaysia? Well, their website upgrade proved to me they also listen to feedback on their website. I know this because I heavily recommended a number of things to their website manager during their P1 open floor discussion.

I’m also really happy about the upgrade because they’re not a company who listens and not do. This is the type of business culture many Malaysia companies don’t want to adapt. They don’t because they’re in fear of their bosses requests and because, they practically don’t want more work to do – though it helps them in the long term. But let me show you how the P1 website has been improved after the upgrade.

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Simple Quickie: P1 Website Review, WordPress 2.7 and PC Fair III 2008

P1 Website Review They recently revamped their website after our P1 open floor discussion. While the rest of the attendees left, I actually stayed behind for another 30 minutes or so to advice how they could’ve improved their website. And to my surprised, they did just that within the next few weeks. Plus, I’m going … Read more

Packet One (P1) Networks Rewards LowYat Members With FREE Wimax

Now here’s a company who’s really broadening their listening. Not only from their friends or bloggers, but even the members of the LowYat forum! Recently I was surprised by the fact there is now an official P1 Wimax members in the forums; Lowyat_P1W1MAX. But the coolest part, introduction wasn’t done with a normal greeting.

PacketOne (P1) Networks is offering FREE 6-months subscription to 50 LowYat members. Talk about making an entrance online. But I’m unhappy – I don’t have Wimax coverage in my area though their office is less than 15 minutes away from me. T_T

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Open Floor Discussion With PacketOne Staff

During my recent visit to GreenPacket’s office for their special tour, a group of us with selected key staff from PacketOne Networks (P1, for short) had an open floor discussion. The discussion was to openly share what we thought of the Internet in Malaysia, its offerings and our expectation from P1.

The moment I heard this, I knew finally here’s a Malaysia ISP who really wants to make a difference. And if you know me well enough, this is a difference I’d support without second thoughts. Simple, because Malaysia has a large pool of talent but they’ve been mistreated, misunderstood and under appreciated. Don’t you want to put a stop to this?

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Malaysia Companies Are Improving Work Environments

Being the co-founder of a registered Malaysia website design company; Simpleet, I’ve to do some research on local working environments. But not to worry, because I also know about the awesome-ness of the Google office work environments. Plus, I’m seeing more companies now realizing and adopting the need for an enjoyable work environment for their employees.

One company I’ve been given the chance to experience this, the new GreenPacket headquarters located beside the Federal Highway. A little history of the building is its been there for a number of years rented out to bear large advertisements. I know this because I’ve been residing in PJ all my life and I’ve passed it when I studied high school. So, let me show you how one Malaysia company has changed their work environment.

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