Google Extends AJAX Search API Into News Aggregator

What is the Google AJAX search API? It’s an application programming interface (API) which lets you put Google Search in your web pages with JavaScript. However, Google has extended its functionality and announced the availability to add Google News on your own website. Here’s what it looks like: Being Google, they make it as easy … Read more

P1 Wimax Leaves The Decision To Malaysia Subscribers

p1-packetone-networksThe Malaysia wimax provider; PacketOne Networks (P1), has taken a step further to acknowledge the existence and importance of its subscribers in Malaysia. Besides organizing floor discussions with its current free subscribers from Low Yat, they’re now asking us, the Malaysia Internet subscribers (consumers, if you may), to tell them the next location of their Wimax rollout.

p1 wimax vote website

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How Much Will The New Maybank2u Lose?

Updated October 17, 2008 @ 4:19PM:
Guys, David told me I can login via the Classic version now.

Though there were good times of attending the new Maybank2u sneak preview, I’m beginning to worry about their website now – I’m very worried.

Despite it not being the end of the world, I’ve always used Maybank2u for a number of important online tasks; fund transfers and mobile topup. All of this is being done online because I don’t want to have to force myself to visit a 7-Eleven to get my topup or go to the ATM (which breaks down often) nearby. My tasks are so common it makes me now ponder; how much online transactions is Maybank2u losing right now due to their heavy load?

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