Google Adsense Etiquette is Lax

You’ve heard about the Google Adsense horror stories. Stories like bloggers getting their Google Adsense accounts banned. Normally caused by not following Google’s usage policy of Adsense. However, I’ve come across websites who still managed to get away with it. Similarly to some websites who blend keywords and phrases into their websites. Here are 2 … Read more

Malaysia and The Fair Usage Policy

Someone once told me, “Malaysians are as kiasu (selfish) as Singaporeans”. And I can’t help but agree to it in certain situations I’ve been in. Plus, I’d like to admit personally, I myself don’t like abiding to certain limitations. One of it being; limited Internet download capacity.

However, everything happens for a reason and every action has a reaction. From my discussion with the PacketOne staff, I’ve come to understand why the fair usage policy is inserted and practiced in Internet providers – not only Malaysia. But, how much do you think our capacity should be limited?

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