Google Chrome Extensions Now Available

Yes! Finally! Booyah! I’m overjoyed to have found out Google Chrome now officially has support for extensions. Just like Mozilla Firefox, the Google browser now allows you to download and install module to extend the functionality of your browsers.


At the bottom of the browser, a notification read:

New! Google Chrome now has extensions and bookmark sync.

The extensions library seem to already have a number of developer’s inside it. Not sure when did Google officially launch this but as I said, I was overjoyed to learn about this.


While browsing and happily installing some of the extensions, I noticed familiar ones in the library also available in Mozilla Firefox. At the same time, found some really neat extensions. The ones I’ve installed so far are:

  • Adblock Plus with Helper
  • Webpage screenshot
  • Chrome SEO
  • Monitor Tab

If you’re an avid user of Google Chrome too, visit the extensions library. Besides the normal adblock, you’ll also find Flashblock in there and plenty of other stuff from Delicious, Amazon and a whole bunch more.

By the way, screenshots above were taken using the screenshot extension. :)

5 thoughts on “Google Chrome Extensions Now Available”

  1. Yes! I’ve noticed that for a while now. Love the bookmark feature^^ save time but not quite sure about the extensons yet but I’m sure BS’ll love it. He loves Chrome.

  2. Hi, I’m the Chrome SEO author, thanks for checking it out, we’ve had a really great response and we’re moving forward with heaps of new features. Please let me know if you have any feature requests.

    Sean Bannister

  3. @glo:
    I’m still wondering where the bookmarks are saved on Google.

    You did not see that. LOL! ;)

    You picked this up quite fast. Google alerts? :P But yes, it’s a cool plugin to have and I’m liking it.

    Yeah man. And I’m loving Adblock Plus.

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