Good or Bad: Facebook Acquired Malaysia Octazen Solution

Few days ago, I caught word from Chee Aun on Twitter that Facebook acquired a Malaysian company; Octazen Solution.


I’m always very excited and curious whenever I hear an acquisition of a Malaysian company by an international entity. To me, this represents our potential and richness of hidden talent in Malaysia.

And it was a Facebook acquisition!

If you’re in the web industry, you won’t let this slide by you. Because Facebook has become a multi-billion business, you’d be more curious than the cat. And so I purred.

But was it for good or bad?

The discussion of the acquisition at TechCrunch is very interesting. Octazen customers and industry players have come forth saying they (Octazen) are an information scraping company.

This now has many questioning if Facebook acquired the small company for its talents (owners) for the good or other reasons.

What will Facebook do with all that data?


Is the phrase; world domination, included in their plans. Or, even more optimistic, to overrule Google itself?

Well, we can only wait and see now.

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