It was good to use Internet Explorer back in the early 90s. Simply because there wasn’t any other recommended browser, until Mozilla Firefox came about. Then when it did, I discovered add-ons which I now can’t live without. These are my must-have browser add-ons or plugins whenever I re-install my browser.
Adblock Plus (Adblock+)
Without explanation, this plugin automatically hides advertisements on the webpages you browse. So if you’re irritated by pop-ups or noisy advertisements, install this and be done with them.
However, it’s not completely perfect. I’ve noticed this plugin weirdly block a stylesheet which doesn’t affect the content but the layout. So, it’s still livable with.
This is a social bookmarking plugin. Storing your bookmarks locally in your computer today is passe (dated). Because the main danger is if you had to format your computer or in worst cases, if your hard disk died, all data including your bookmarks can never be retrieved. This is where social bookmarks come in.
Web Developer
Being a website designer, this plugin has a few nifty tools. One of them is the ability to only View Image Information. Meaning, I can see all images used in a website. Plus, I can disable website stylesheets as I wish to check on certain source code. And speaking of source code, disabling right+click will not protect your website because viewing it is only a shortcut away with this plugin. Muahahahaha.
To date, I only know Firebug runs in Mozilla Firefox. Google Chrome has its own internal browser investigator which near similar to Firebug. The tool I love most about Firebug is the Inspector which allows me to select any element in the website which I could then see it’s source code. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is another plugin I can use to access your source code.
Awesome Screenshot
This plugin was built for Google Chrome. Why I wanted to highlight this plugin was because it’s got internal editing tools after I screenshot a website. Tools like crop, shapes, lines, arrows, text and even color controls. In addition, I can even upload the screenshots like a Twitpic for easy sharing.
There a couple more add-ons or plugins I could highlight, but these are definitely my must-have installed if I ever did need to re-install my browser. They’ve become a part of my common user experience when I use the browser.
P.S.: And if you hadn’t noticed, I no set Internet Explorer as my default browser.